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Year 6 – 7 Transition

Transferring from primary school


The transition team are:

  • Mrs Jackman, Deputy Headteacher and SENDCO
  • Mr Gilbert, Assistant Headteacher for Key Stage 3
  • Mrs Gardner, SEN Lead
  • Mrs Woollaston and Miss Sallows, Pastoral Care Officers
  • Mrs Jones, Assistant SENDCO

They are here to help you during the transition stage.

Useful information:

Academy Information Booklet summary can be found HERE.

The letter for the induction day and evening for student commencing Year 7 in September 2024 can be found HERE.

Need to Know – Year 7 - Autumn 1 – example booklet, can be found HERE.

To support your child through recent changes and their feelings about transitioning to secondary school, download the ‘My Little Book of Changes’ document HERE.

It would be wonderful if your child would like to share their reflections with their tutors when the time is ready for them to meet.  

There are videos uploaded on this page that you can watch with your child to get them familiar with what school looks like, inside and outside.

Visuals and prompts are excellent ways of building confidence during transition points in every child’s life. When we get closer to students returning to school, children with special educational needs may benefit from creating their own visual map with help from the transition team. Pictures of different areas will be posted nearer to the time when school re-opens. Have a look at an example of our visual map template HERE.

General Transition Information:

* We invite all prospective parents and children to an open evening early in the Autumn Term.

* There are also opportunities to visit during the school day.

* Through liaison with primary schools, students in Years 5 and 6 have opportunities to participate in learning activities, performing arts and sports.

* Senior pastoral staff visit all prospective students in the Summer Term prior to transfer.

* A new intake parents & carers evening provides an opportunity for parents to meet tutors and senior staff.

* Close links with our primary schools ensure that students settle in quickly and build on the skills they have developed during Key Stage 2.

Transition support:

Autism Education Trust Transition Toolkit (also useful for many children without autism) – covers nursery right through to starting university.

Transition resources from Young Minds (aimed at teachers but includes tips for parents and activities for children):

Some great resources from BBC Bitesize:

ASDAN ‘Moving On’ resources (Using a mobile phone and how to travel independently):

Get the ‘Own it’ App on your child’s phone to help them interact positively with online conversations:

Parent Stories: Getting kids tech ready for transition to secondary school:

Parents cultivating a ‘Growth Mind-set’ at home:

‘Be awesome – Go Big project’  - click HERE

Resources that accompany the video and the books we have purchased for year 6-7, can be found here and we can publish this on our website:


Admission Information:

Please click here to complete our online Admission Form.

Further details can be found by clicking on the links below: