Assessment & Exams
🌟🌟🌟 Leavers Summer 2024 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Great news - your Exam Certificates are now ready for collection.
They will be available from LCA school reception during normal school hours.
Photo ID must be shown in order to collect your certificates.
If you are unable to collect your certificates in person, and you wish to nominate a friend or a family member to collect on your behalf, you MUST do this in writing to Mrs. Gordon Exams Officer, nominating who will be collecting, prior to collection.
Your nominated person will need to bring photo ID.
Certificates cannot be released without written confirmation and ID
Arrangements to collect any course work will need to be made with class teachers.
If you have any questions, please contact the Exams Office
Academic report guidance
The link below show the flightpath for subjects that can be used to track the progress being made by students throughout key stage 3 and 4. The current grade on the academic report can be referenced at the appropriate time period and the likely trajectory of the student when they end Key Stage 4. Grade commencing W are 'working towards' grades before reaching the standard grade 1 to 9 scale. + and - are used to denote stages within the grade so 1+, for example, is a high grade 1, 1 is secure and 1- is a lower grade 1.
The link below shows the criteria used to judge behaviour for learning, attitude to learning and engagement with homework in the academic report.
Criteria for report judgements
If you have any questions regarding your child's report please contact their tutor or the appropriate Assistant Headteacher of that Key Stage. Mr Gilbert is responsible for Key stage 3 and Miss Wood for Key Stage 4.