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General Information

Key Stage 3: Years 7, 8 and 9

All students are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum and follow courses which fully cover the requirements of the National Curriculum.  These courses are taught by specialist staff and students experience up to 18 courses each year.

In English, maths and science, students are set according to ability after the careful consideration of primary records, Key Stage 2 SAT examinations and Teacher Assessments. Movement between classes is possible throughout the year and Key Stage based on a continuous internal review of academic progress. Most other subjects are taught in mixed ability classes. In Years 8 and 9, French and Spanish also set by ability, using data about the progress made by individuals in their language courses during the previous year.

Key Stage 4: Years 10 and 11

In Years 10 and 11, students are able to choose some of their courses from modern foreign languages, humanities, arts, technology or vocational options. These lead to GCSE or vocational qualifications at Level 1 or 2.

Some vocational courses are provided off-site through our collaboration with other local educational establishments as a part of the South East Cornwall Learning Partnership. Alongside traditional GCSE qualifications, students  can follow other courses in the arts, hair and beauty, construction, creative and media, engineering etc.  It may be possible for some of our more able students to access Level 3 (A level) courses. Our comprehensive careers information, advice and guidance programme ensures students are briefed on developments in 14-19 education and post -16 opportunities.

All students in Years 7 to 11 participate in ‘discovery days’ to help develop key learning skills through cross curricular projects, including ‘enterprise days’, to develop their understanding of the world of work and entrepreneurship. Year 10 also undertake work experience in the community.

Students in the top 5% of the ability range are identified  through  Cognitive Ability Tests  and Teacher Assessments and placed on a gifted and talented register.  Those who show a particular talent in sport or the arts are also included.

Homework across all Key Stages

Learners across the school are expected to undertake an amount of 'own learning' to support their studies.