Behaviour & Rewards
Pastoral Care is led by our assistant headteachers for each key stage who each have a team of tutors. Pastoral Care Officers work with those staff to support student and signpost them to more specialist support when appropriate.
Praise is a regular and integral part of academy life, and we seek to give positive endeavours the recognition they deserve. Staff should endeavour to praise and reward whenever possible. Some of the many strategies used are:
- Verbal praise
- Celebration and praise of individuals, groups or year group
- Work display-classroom/whole Academy ethos
- House points
- Department rewards
- Parental contact for positive reasons e.g. postcards sent home
- Student responsibilities e.g. Prefects, Student Council, Peer Mentors
- Assembly/public praise, celebration etc.
- Press - public celebration
- Annual KS4/KS3 Headteacher commendations
- Attendance certificates
- Record of Achievement
- Newsletters
- Academy website
- Star student awards
- Governor presentations
- Student nominations
- Tutor group awards
House points are the most commonly used reward. These may be issued in lessons or equally wherever students merit being rewarded for their positive choices. House points collected by students may be traded for rewards in the academy such as vouchers, stationary or sports equipment. Students are consulted on the types of awards they value and want to be available for purchase using their House points. In certificates and addition badges in house colours are awarded as students reach the thresholds of 50, 100 and 150 points.
The academy provides a minimum of one parents/carers evening per year and three reports to provide opportunity for successes to be shared and celebrated or for plans to improve behaviour to be discussed.
Staff use a variety of preventative measures to promote good behaviour. Key to this is developing and sustaining a relationship with a student and an understanding of their needs. The record of need is an important source of information for those students on the SEN register which informs lesson planning. Staff plan learning episodes preventatively through the use of classroom organisation including seating plans, teaching routines, use of rewards and positive language.
The behaviour policy describes in more detail our approach to celebrating success and intervening with behaviour in a concern. This can be found on our school policies page via the following link: School Policies