Children in Need / Antibullying day

On Friday 15 November Looe Community Academy hung up the bunting and was awash with odd socks and colourful clothes as students and staff raised awareness of bullying and raised money for Children in Need.
Students were asked to wear odd socks to highlight the importance of respect, one of the Academy’s values, to each and every person in our community. Assemblies took place all week to share positive stories on how others have stood up to those who try to bully and where students can seek help if they needed it. Students and staff were invited to also wear their own clothes to raise money for Children in Need. Prefects organised a bake sale that was very popular and donations for wearing non uniform were all collected together. In total our amazing students and staff raised £572.99, a fabulous amount of money. We value community links and respect for all and for our students to demonstrate this by supporting these worthwhile causes makes us a very proud Academy. Thank you to all of the parents, carers, grandparent and anyone who bake or donated.